Happy Holidays Everyone!
‘Tis the season to give…and receive!
For this month’s office contest, we’re inviting you to participate in our Holiday Food Drive. For every 5 food items you bring in, you will receive one entry in the drawing (feel free to bring in more than 5 items for additional entries).
The lucky winner of the drawing will receive ZooLights tickets for a family of four.
ZooLights is a fantastic display, allowing you to see the Oregon Zoo in a whole new light! This special event runs through January 5th, 2019 (closed Dec. 24-25 for the holidays).
We will be making the delivery to the food bank and selecting the winner on December 21st, so be sure to get your food items to us before then.
Acceptable items include: Boxes of cereal, peanut butter, stuffing mix, mac and cheese, canned chicken noodle or tomato soup, beans, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, corn, mixed veggies, as well as canned fruit, tomatoes, and tuna. We will also accept jarred applesauce and spaghetti sauce, boxes of dessert mix, crackers, and potatoes, and packages of rice, pasta, and oatmeal.
Remember, the more you give, the more chances you have to win that fabulous ZooLights experience for your family! Enter early and often, and above all, enjoy the holiday season!