Want to Win a $50 Gift Certificate to Applebees?
It’s Easy! Here’s How:
Stop by our office during the month of November and tell us who you are thankful for! One lucky winner’s name will be randomly drawn and announced in the first week of December.
That’s it! That’s all it takes to have your chance at the $50 Applebees gift card. And don’t worry—you don’t have to be a patient to stop in and play, and there is no purchase required/no obligation.
And what better way to show that person just how thankful you are than to treat them to a nice meal?
Or keep the card quiet and use it all on yourself.
Once the gift card leaves our hands, the rest is entirely up to you.
But you can’t win if you don’t participate, so be sure to come in during office hours Mon-Thurs, 8am-5pm or Fri 8am-4pm, before the contest is over.
See you soon!